Verb – NIF'AL
Root: צ - ר - ך
This root does not have any special conjugation properties.
Verb form | Person | Singular | Plural | ||
Masculine | Feminine | Masculine | Feminine | ||
Present tense / Participle | נִצְרָךְ nitzrach I am / you m. sg. are / he / it is consumed | נִצְרֶכֶת nitzrechet I am / you f. sg. are / she / it is consumed | נִצְרָכִים nitzrachim we / you m. pl. / they m. are consumed | נִצְרָכוֹת nitzrachot we / you f. pl. / they f. are consumed | |
Past tense | 1st | נִצְרַכְתִּי nitzrachti I was consumed | נִצְרַכְנוּ nitzrachnu we were consumed | ||
2nd | נִצְרַכְתָּ nitzrachta you m. sg. were consumed | נִצְרַכְתְּ nitzracht you f. sg. were consumed | *נִצְרַכְתֶּם nitzrachtem you m. pl. were consumed The ending is usually unstressed in spoken language: נִצְרַכְתֶּם nitzrachtem | *נִצְרַכְתֶּן nitzrachten you f. pl. were consumed The ending is usually unstressed in spoken language: נִצְרַכְתֶּן nitzrachten | |
3rd | נִצְרַךְ nitzrach he / it was consumed | נִצְרְכָה nitzrecha she / it was consumed | נִצְרְכוּ nitzrechu they were consumed | ||
Future tense | 1st | אֶצָּרֵךְ etzarech I will be consumed | נִצָּרֵךְ ~ ניצרך nitzarech we will be consumed | ||
2nd | תִּצָּרֵךְ ~ תיצרך titzarech you m. sg. will be consumed | תִּצָּרְכִי ~ תיצרכי titzarchi you f. sg. will be consumed | תִּצָּרְכוּ ~ תיצרכו titzarchu you m. pl. will be consumed | *תִּצָּרַכְנָה ~ תיצרכנה titzarachna תִּצָּרֵכְנָה ~ תיצרכנה titzarechna you f. pl. will be consumed In modern language, the masculine form is generally used: תִּצָּרְכוּ ~ תיצרכו titzarchu | |
3rd | יִצָּרֵךְ ~ ייצרך yitzarech he / it will be consumed | תִּצָּרֵךְ ~ תיצרך titzarech she / it will be consumed | יִצָּרְכוּ ~ ייצרכו yitzarchu they m. will be consumed | *תִּצָּרַכְנָה ~ תיצרכנה titzarachna תִּצָּרֵכְנָה ~ תיצרכנה titzarechna they f. will be consumed In modern language, the masculine form is generally used: יִצָּרְכוּ ~ ייצרכו yitzarchu | |
Imperative | הִצָּרֵךְ! ~ היצרך! hitzarech! (to a man) be consumed! | הִצָּרְכִי! ~ היצרכי! hitzarchi! (to a woman) be consumed! | הִצָּרְכוּ! ~ היצרכו! hitzarchu! (to men) be consumed! | *הִצָּרַכְנָה! ~ היצרכנה! hitzarachna! הִצָּרֵכְנָה! ~ היצרכנה! hitzarechna! (to women) be consumed! In modern language, the masculine form is generally used: הִצָּרְכוּ! ~ היצרכו! hitzarchu! | |
Infinitive | לְהִצָּרֵךְ ~ להיצרך lehitzarech to be consumed |
Word | Root | Part of speech | Meaning |
מִצְרָךְ | צ - ר - ך | Noun – miktal pattern, masculine | consumer good |
צוֹרֶךְ | צ - ר - ך | Noun – kotel pattern, masculine | need, necessity, requirement |
צָרִיךְ | צ - ר - ך | Adjective – katil pattern | need, should, must (as a verb); necessary, required |
צְרִיכָה | צ - ר - ך | Noun – ktila pattern, feminine | consumption |
לִצְרוֹךְ | צ - ר - ך | Verb – pa'al | to consume |
לְהַצְרִיךְ | צ - ר - ך | Verb – hif'il | to require, to make something a requirement |
לְהִצְטָרֵךְ | צ - ר - ך | Verb – hitpa'el | to need, to require, to have to |
צַרְכָן | צ - ר - ך | Noun – katlan pattern, masculine | consumer |
צַרְכָנוּת | צ - ר - ך | Noun – feminine | consumption; consumer protection body; consumerism |
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