Word | Root | Part of speech | Meaning |
לְכַּמֵּת | כ - מ - ת | Verb – pi'el | to quantify, to give a quantitative estimate (jargon) |
כֵּן | - | Adverb | yes; so, thus (in idioms) |
כֵּן | - | Adjective | sincere, trustworthy, truthful, honest, candid |
כַּן צִיּוּר | - | Noun | easel |
כְּנֶגֶד | - | Preposition | against; compared to, as opposed to; in exchange for |
כֵּנוּת | - | Noun – feminine | sincerity, frankness, honesty, candour, openness |
כִּינּוּי | כ - נ - ה | Noun – kittul pattern, masculine | nickname; pronoun |
לְהִתְכַּנּוֹת | כ - נ - ה | Verb – hitpa'el | to be named, to be nicknamed |
לְכַנּוֹת | כ - נ - ה | Verb – pi'el | to name, to nickname |
כִּינָּה | כ - נ - ן | Noun – kitla pattern, feminine | louse |
כַּן | כ - נ - ן | Noun – ketel pattern, masculine | support, pedestal |
כַּנֶּנֶת | כ - נ - ן | Noun – kattelet pattern, feminine | winch, crank |
כִּינּוּן | כ - נ - ן | Noun – kittul pattern, masculine | establishment, founding; winding (of a watch); aiming, pointing (a weapon) |
לְהִיכָּנֵס | כ - נ - ס | Verb – nif'al | to enter |
לְהִתְכַּנֵּס | כ - נ - ס | Verb – hitpa'el | to assemble, to congregate |
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